Persoane interesate

luni, 25 iulie 2011

"La ţară"

4 comentarii:

  1. How come your photos are so smooth? It's perfect! A amazing filter I belive, or editions?

  2. @gabriela: in mai multe cuvinte -foarte multa frumusete si stare de bine.
    @ishtar: da multe momente frumoase au fost si ce a fost mai important e ca le-am trait alaturi de persoane dragi.
    @Pedro DH:i use many filters. from the sunset i use 2 or 3 graduate cokin filter, and for the photo from this post i use a polarise filter. a good one. and becuase any photo need adjustement in post procesing, a spent 2-3 minuts at each image from increase contrast, increase a little bit of colors, crop. that;s all.thank you for visit and coment.
